Leave the country for a few days and everything changes. By the time I got back out on the lot on the 22nd, there had been a day and a half of framing and with a good size team, quite a bit had happened, particularly on the basement framing.

Preethi inspects the basement framing. That particular hole above is just a point where they haven't gotten to the putting down the plywood for the subfloor yet.

A different view of the basement. This hole, however, is the hole where the stairwell will go. You can also see where the initial concrete pours in the basement were used to support the walls and followed the chalk tracings set out earlier.

Preethi standing in the basement facing South (I'm looking North). She's actually standing in one of the windows that flanks the
French door that's in what will someday be the basement den. On the right you can see where the window will be for the evnetual basement bedroom. We're not planning on finishing the basement now, but do have a plan in mind as to where everything will go.

We have a couple fairly large rooms, one in the basement (den) and one on the main level (great room). To help create the space, some key spans are reinforced. In this case with a pair of steel plates in the beam shown above.

A different view of the reinforced beam in the den alon with some of the support elements for the floor / ceiling. You can also clearly see the yellow color of the wood as this is being built out of
yellow pine, a stronger wood than, e.g.,
white pine.

Looking from the garage into the basement through a hole that will eventually be part of the kitchen floor.

Looking Eastish at the basement from the brushpile. That's another large window coming off of the basment den.

View of the house from the tree on the NorthEast corner of the lot. You can see a couple workers working on the main level subfloor. There were actually quite a few workers (8?) there, but this was lunch time. If you click the picture for the larger view, you can see that the worker closest to the front has a long auto-feed
screw gun that allows him to sink a screw into the plywood every few seconds while walking. I was in awe.

A steel beam that will be used to help span the garage.

View of the house from the road. You can see where most of the subfloor for the main level is up.

I also missed out on the termite control getting done during the foundation work. Apparently even before I left the country. But they left their sign.
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