Travel a little and a lot happens. It was a bit muddy, so all the shots were from inside, but there's a bit to see.

Here's a view of the great room from the dining room. Lots of houses have two story foyers (we don't), we went with the two story great room, which is (I think) starting to look really impressive closed in. There's still another window to add and some minor adjustments to make to the heights to the doors and windows.

Looking through the stairwell from the back from the kitchen (great room to the left) to the foyer and dining room (looking north).

View from the main floor bedroom (guest bedroom). The three doors you see from left to right are: 1) hallway / entrance, 2) direct entrance to the bathroom (not on original plan), 3) closet. In the back you can see the stairs and the great room.

Preethi going up the roughed in staircase. Much easier than the ladders we used the previous week.

Up on the second level in one of the north side bedroooms looking back at (left to right): 1) Master Bedroom, stairwell, great room (won't be open like you see now - should cut down on noise filtering up a little)

One of my favorite things about the framers is they clean up some every day when they're done.

The bedroom in the northeast corner. We also opened up the ceiling to the roof in this room (like in the master) and that's kinda done in this shot with about 16" shelving running over the doors (that's a closet door you're seeing).
Collars (the cross supports) to support the roof in the attic (and some framing too). The roof over the great room has less of a slope, so that the change in roof shape you're seeing on the left.

Since opening up the ceiling to the roof wasn't the original plan, we had to add strips of wood to the rafters so the drywall could sit properly with insulation behind it.

Same addition as the previous shot, but in the masterbedroom where the main roof meets the hipped roof for the bumpout.

View of the master bed room looking towards the master bathroom. When we opened up the master

Window added to the lower bathroom. In the original plan there was no window in that bathroom. Instead there was a false window created by closed shutters.
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