After some travel earlier in the week, we got out to the house on Friday and snapped some pics. Work is going a little slower, but it is still progressing with the master bath tiled in and most of the balusters for the stairs installed.

The stairwell. I originally thought that I wouldn't like the balusters, but I think they look pretty good. The bottom covers won't be dropped until after the wood is stained.

View of the stairwell from the top. As you can see, there's still a bit of work to be done on it, but it's taking shape.

The shower was tiled off. A view of the shower. The band around the shower is from the same 2x2 tiles that we used on the floor. We think it ties the whole thing together and will be reusing those tiles on the floor and around the whirlpool. You can also see an inset piece to hold soap and shampoo. I didn't know that these existed before this project.

View of the shower corner seat. Useful when a certain someone needs to shave their legs.

View of the shower from across the master bathroom. One of the things we realized on Friday is that the shower is just big enough that we can walk the dogs into the shower when we need to give them a bath in the winter.

The tiles in kitchen are covered, presumably in preparation for painting.
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