On Tuesday, we dropped by during lunch to meet with a paving cotnractor and to look at progress where work on teh drainfield was ongoing. Earlier we had dropped by on Saturday to mark out where the sidewalk would go. Of perhaps greatest interest to us, W.D. told us he thought the house would be done by the end of August or the first week in September.

A view of the dirt dug up for the septic tank. I found it hard to get a good picture of the drainfield and this is included mostly because I liked the view of the tree.

Looking up one of the trenches into the hole for the septic tank.

A trench for chambers.

Chalk lines to guide subsequent trenches.

A different view of the house (from the south) with one of the trenches dug.

If you look closely you can see the flags we laid out for the sidewalk. Mostly, it's intended to be in two sections - one section parallel to the garage, and another parallel to the front porch - with a S joint in between.

A different view of the sidewalk flags. The colors have no significance.

The frame for the master bathroom tub. It's bulging out a little because the framers screwed up and made the a couple inches too small, but actually in terms of width instead of depth. The
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